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January 2014 Program - An Essential Collaboration Tool in Your Team Toolbox – Ground Rules

  • January 10, 2014
  • 11:30 AM - 1:15 PM
  • LOCATION CHANGE: University of Phoenix 14002 E 21st Street, Suite 1000, Tulsa, OK 74134 Room 211


  • Please bring cash or check to pay at the door on the day of the event.

Registration is closed

ASTD NEOK Jan Program:

An Essential Collaboration Tool in Your Team Toolbox – Ground Rules

Jan 10th, 2014 11:30-1:10

LOCATION CHANGE: University of Phoenix 14002 E 21st Street, Suite 1000, Tulsa, OK 74134 Room 211


This session will use concepts from Group Genius: The Creative Power of Collaboration by Keith Sawyer to demonstrate the benefits of establishing and using ground rules in developing and nurturing collaborative teams. It will highlight team ground rules that exist in inclusive work environments that are relatively egalitarian, encourage openness, stimulate personal development, set high performance standards, and make everyone feel valued. During the session, participants will be engaged in multiple collaborative learning activities. Participants will leave the session with tools they can use immediately to improve the effectiveness of their workplace teams. The tools will include why and how to use an inclusive approach to determining the ground rules for effective teams.


About the Presenter:

Linda Jenkins is a nonprofit governance, leadership and management consultant with over 27 years of professional experience. 

Ms. Jenkins owns Jenkins Consulting Group (JCG) in Tulsa, Oklahoma. JCG services increase nonprofit organizational effectiveness through strategic planning, board development, leadership training, and meeting facilitation. JCG has successfully completed over 30 projects for 19 organizations in Oklahoma.


Before establishing JCG in 2007, Ms. Jenkins honed her professional skills through positions with the City of Long Beach, the City of Tulsa and the Tulsa Area United Way (TAUW).  Her management positions with the City of Long Beach included serving as the Police Department’s first civilian Budget Administrator and the Health Department’s Administrative Officer. As Community Investments Vice President at TAUW, she redesigned and continually enhanced the tools and procedures it used to allocate funds to health and human services agencies. She consistently received “outstanding” quality ratings from TAUW’s volunteers.

JCG services encompass the most current trends in nonprofit governance and leadership. Ms. Jenkins is an active BoardSource member and is the only BoardSource Certified Governance Trainer® (CGT) in the state of Oklahoma. As a CGT, she offers governance training using BoardSource-approved curriculum in the following areas: roles and responsibilities of nonprofit boards, board-staff partnership, board structure, board’s role in fundraising, the board-building cycle, and board performance assessment.

She holds an A.B. Degree in History and Urban Studies from Princeton University and a Master’s Degree in Public Affairs from the LBJ School at the University of Texas at Austin. She was awarded the Claudia Taylor (Lady Bird) Johnson Fellowship to support her studies at UT.

Ms. Jenkins is a graduate of Leadership Tulsa and North Tulsa Development Council. She served on the Board of Directors for YWCA WomenShelter in Long Beach, CA, and Youth Services of Tulsa. She has received community service awards including an Evergreen Spirit Award from the AIDS Coalition of Tulsa, a Leadership Vision Award from Tulsa C.A.R.E.S., and a Good News Award from Camp Fire USA Green Country Council. Currently, her favorite volunteer activity is serving as a Reading Partner (tutor/mentor) for a 3rd grader at Anderson Elementary School.

For more information about Ms. Jenkins and JCG, visit

The Tulsa Chapter of the Association for Talent Development


P.O. Box 33351 Tulsa, OK 74153-3351

Tulsa Chapter ChIP Code 7015

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