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Mapping Your Personal Growth

  • January 11, 2013
  • 11:30 AM - 1:15 PM
  • Philbrook


  • Please bring cash or check to pay at the door on the day of the event.
  • Please bring cash or check to pay at the door on the day of the event.
  • Walk-In, Program ONLY, no lunch. Please bring cash or check to pay at the door on the day of the event.

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Mapping Your Personal Growth

Presented by Clay Staires

Friday, January 11, 2012

Philbrook Museum


Mapping Your Personal Growth –

How to discover who you have been designed to be!

Did you know that by the age of sixty-five, 95% of the population will be what they consider to be “Unsuccessful”; (meaning, they have NOT “experienced a progressive realization of a worthy ideal.”)? 

Did you know OVER HALF of the nations workforce is “unsatisfied” with their job?

Did you know that surveys reveal, most people feel “uncomfortable” or “confused” when asked the question, “Who are you” or “Are you confident you’re doing the right things in your life”? 

Imagine what it would feel like to truly know who you are and be able to back it up with numerous stories of conclusive evidence!

Imagine living every day feeling successful with a confident assurance that you are doing, each day, what you have been created to do!

Imagine how that “clarity” would enhance your life and the lives of those around you.

You don’t have to imagine it!  It’s possible to live every day with this kind of assurance and confidence.  You won’t find “your answer” just by going to the bookstore or online or even going to an intensive weekend in the mountains.  Your answer is IN YOU; it’s in YOUR STORY.   That’s why 95% of people miss it!  It’s just too obvious!

Come listen to Clay Staires reveal the purpose for your path.  It will expand you more than you know!

More about the Presenter:

Clay Staires has been a leading authority on processing the frustrations and difficulties that accompany leadership for the past 15 years. Having worked with thousands of people for over 25 years, Clay has developed uniquely effective leadership-training programs that have been taught on university campuses, in high school classrooms, small businesses and in non profit boardrooms. Locally, the Skiatook Chamber of Commerce named him the "2012 Citizen of the Year" for the positive impact his programs have made on their community.

Clay was a high school teacher and head coach for 15 years.  He received honors as the Teacher Of The Year and Coach Of The Year in Missouri.  Clay has 10 years of executive experience in the non-profit sector where he led an award winning company and redefined a 30-year-old brand.

In January 2012, Clay started The Leadership Initiative that utilizes his programs and abilities to train and equip growing leaders in business as well as communicate and speak across the country about The Leadership Mindset, Enduring Pressure and Navigating Transition.  Today Clay speaks nationally in front of a variety of audiences including small business owners, sales teams, entrepreneurs, state legislators, government employees, chambers of commerce, college and high school students and many more.


The Tulsa Chapter of the Association for Talent Development


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