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Presenting with Impact

  • May 11, 2012
  • 11:30 AM - 1:15 PM
  • River Spirit Casino


  • Please bring cash or check to pay at the door on the day of the event.
  • Please bring cash or check to pay at the door on the day of the event.
  • Walk-In, Program ONLY, no lunch. Please bring cash or check to pay at the door on the day of the event.

Registration is closed

May meeting:

Presenting with Impact

May 11th from 11:30 AM to 1:15 PM
River Spirit Casino

Guest Speaker:

Heather Richetto-Rumley

Cost: $30 Guests, $20 Members, $10 Program only


Is your presentation style enhancing your personal performance? 

Learn the secrets for truly great presenting...

From mental preparation and vocal delivery techniques, to meaningful movement and audience engagement.

This high energy and highly-participative program quickly pushes you out of your comfort zone and into your "growth zone". 

Additionally, the one-hour presentation includes in-the-moment coaching and feedback for select audience members regarding personal style strengths that should  be leveraged, as well as identification of existing “crutches” inhibiting each participants' optimum impact. Ideal for anyone in a leadership position who regularly engages an audience of any size.

More about the presenter:

Heather Richetto-Rumley
Founding partner, ClearWater Performance Group

Heather is a Certified Master Coach (CMC) who works with senior level executives in the corporate
and not-for-profit sectors to improve individual and organizational performance through
successful leadership development.
 Heather’s nearly 20 years of experience encompasses executive leadership coaching, execution of business and sales strategy, creative problem solving facilitation, team-building, and curriculum development to enhance workforce engagement and performance.  She has experience with teams of all sizes in a variety of industries including: radio & television, finance, advertising, grocery, transportation, energy, technology, senior living, and public education. 

Heather also serves as an Executive Development Consultant
KRW International, one of ClearWater’s strategic partners.

Heather is also a skilled individual Performance Coach.  These formalized coaching engagements
focus on specific development needs such as: enhancing leadership style, improving executive presence and communication skills, accelerating culture change, improving recruitment practices, on-boarding new leadership, and succession planning. 

Prior to creating ClearWater, Heather worked as an Executive Coach for Clear Channel Worldwide where she focused on coaching key leadership personnel, developing customized training curriculum, and facilitating hundreds of group training modules to increase performance in Clear Channel’s highest revenue-generating markets in the U.S.  A professional public speaker, Heather conducts speaking engagements for organizations on a variety of topics.  She is also a local  television personality, and serves as Master of Ceremonies for several fundraising events each year. 

Heather resides in Tulsa, OK, with her husband and their 3-year-old son.  In her spare time she enjoys acting and singing for American Theatre Company and Tulsa Repertory Musicals, as well as participating on the boards of local arts organizations.

Advanced certifications include:
Certified Master Coach (CMC),
The Behavioral Coaching Institute, Sydney, Australia. 

CDR Assessment Group, certified coach and facilitator of the CDR 3-D Suite executive coaching tool

Results Coaching Systems, The Executive and Leadership Coaching division, NYU.

Accredited Coach and Facilitator of Team Management Profile (TMP) development tools, Team Management Systems Americas, Inc.

Strengths Performance Coach, The Gallup Organization, Gallup Strengths Finder

Chicago’s Second City Leadership program, trained facilitator in bringing the art of improvisation to the workplace

Human Performance Institute (HPI) training for corporate athletes, Orlando, Florida

International Creative Problem Solving Institute  (CPSI),

Master Facilitator 

The Tulsa Chapter of the Association for Talent Development


P.O. Box 33351 Tulsa, OK 74153-3351

Tulsa Chapter ChIP Code 7015

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