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Why Employee Engagement Matters: HR’s Role in Measuring & Driving Engagement

  • November 11, 2011
  • 11:30 AM - 1:15 PM
  • Philbrook Museum


  • Please bring cash or check to pay at the door on the day of the event.
  • Please bring cash or check to pay at the door on the day of the event.
  • Walk-In, Program ONLY, no lunch. Please bring cash or check to pay at the door on the day of the event.

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November Meeting:

Why Employee Engagement Matters: HR's Role in Measuring & Driving Engagement

November 11th from 11:30 AM to 1:15 PM at the Philbrook

Guest Speaker:
Chris Wright

Cost: $30 Guests, $20 Members, $10 Program only

Towers Watson reports in a 2010 study that operating income grew by 19% in companies with high engagement compared to -33% in companies with low engagement. The economic recession of recent years has had a noticeable impact on employee engagement with new Gallup research suggesting that only 10% of employees are engaged while nearly 30% are actively disengaged.   Engagement matters because years of research have demonstrated it is related to key business outcomes such as reduced turnover, customer satisfaction and financial performance.   Using real-world examples and case studies, Dr. Chris Wright will:

  • Share practical strategies for measuring employee engagement in your organization
  • Identify the key drivers of employee engagement
  • Discuss HR’s role in measuring and driving engagement strategies

More about the presenter:

Dr. Wright is the founder, President and CEO of Reliant. Dr. Wright lead the development of Reliant’s Software-as-a-Service (Saas) Talent Management solutions and assessments.  Over 1000 companies globally utilize one of Reliant’s Talent Management solutions and assessments.

Dr. Wright has consulted with many Fortune 1000 companies, government agencies, non-profit organizations and academic institutions. His work with these organizations has varied from working with key executives to align human capital and business strategies to organizational survey research,  the design and implementation of assessment and selection, performance management and learning management processes and applications.

Dr. Wright received his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. in industrial/organizational psychology from the University of Tulsa. He has been a frequent presenter, speaker and panelist at conferences such as the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Academy of Management, and Society for Human Resource Management. He has published articles in the Journal of Business and Psychology and the Journal of Applied Psychology. Dr. Wright has served an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Psychology at the University of Tulsa and at Tulsa Community College.

The Tulsa Chapter of the Association for Talent Development


P.O. Box 33351 Tulsa, OK 74153-3351

Tulsa Chapter ChIP Code 7015

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