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ATD Tulsa August Chapter Meeting: Negotiation for Nice People: achieve your goals and strengthen your relationships

  • August 16, 2019
  • 11:30 AM - 1:15 PM
  • OSU-Tulsa, 700 N Greenwood Ave., Tulsa, OK, B.S. Roberts Room


  • This is for ATD Tulsa Member registrations received BEFORE the pre-determined headcount meal guarantee is to be submitted. Payment accepted online in advance; or by cash, check or credit card at the door. Reservations cannot be cancelled after headcount is provided to the facility. No refunds for “no-shows.” Unpaid “no-shows” will be invoiced and are required to remit payment.
  • This is for ATD Tulsa Member registrations received AFTER the pre-determined headcount meal guarantee is to be submitted. Please pay online in advance, or bring cash, check or credit card to pay at the door. No refunds for “no-shows.” Unpaid “no-shows” will be invoiced and are required to remit payment.
  • This is for ATD Tulsa Members who want to attend the program, and DO NOT get lunch. Please pay online in advance, or bring cash, check or to pay at the door on the day of the event. No refunds for “no-shows.” Unpaid “no-shows” will be invoiced and are required to remit payment.
  • This is for non-member registrations received BEFORE the pre-determined headcount meal guarantee is to be submitted. Payment accepted online in advance; or by cash, check or credit card at the door. Reservations cannot be cancelled after headcount is provided to the facility. No refunds for “no-shows.” Unpaid “no-shows” will be invoiced and are required to remit payment.
  • This is for non-member registrations received AFTER the pre-determined headcount meal guarantee is to be submitted. Please pay online in advance, or bring cash, check or credit card to pay at the door. No refunds for “no-shows.” Unpaid “no-shows” will be invoiced and are required to remit payment.
  • This is for non-members who want to attend the program, and DO NOT get lunch. Please pay online in advance, or bring cash, check or to pay at the door on the day of the event. No refunds for “no-shows.” Unpaid “no-shows” will be invoiced and are required to remit payment.

Registration is closed

Negotiation for Nice People:

Achieve Your Goals and Strengthen Your Relationships

Grace Judson

Negotiation is tough for almost everyone, especially since it incorporates at least some aspect of conflict. Yet it's also a key skill for professional success.You'd rather compromise than risk damaging important relationships. You're frustrated  because people don't respond when you ask for what you want. You'd really like to be able to achieve your goals without being viewed as demanding, pushy, or tough. And you'd love to walk into tough business negotiations feeling calm, confident, and prepared for whatever  might happen.

In this session, participants will

  • Discover the relevance of professional empathy in tough negotiations
  • Realize why traditional  negotiation practices often lead to dissatisfaction on all sides
  • Learn new tools for empathetic understanding and their application to negotiation
  • Become a better negotiator than you ever expected- without damaging your relationships 

Grace Judson is a leadership coach and consultant focusing on first-line and recently­ promoted managers and supervisors, helping them cross that daunting gap between being part of a team, and leading a team. Drawing on her 25 years of corporate experience- including 16 years of executive leadership- plus 13 years of leadership coaching, Grace works with individuals, teams, and leaders to develop their skills, helping them become the empowered leaders they want to be- and their teams deserve. She points out that she's not as old as all those years of experience might indicate. After all, she started her career as a two-year-old, turning her parents' faces toward each other when they argued, wanting them to see each other instead of fighting. That was the beginning of her lifelong quest to understand what makes people tick- and what makes a good, or even great, leader.

August 16, 2019    

11:30 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.


OSU Tulsa Campus700 N Greenwood Ave, Tulsa, OK 74106 

B.S. Roberts Room


The discounted, pre-registrations for the program with the meal must be made by Tuesday, August 13th.

 To begin your registration, click on the orange "Register" button in the lower left beneath the registration options.




The Tulsa Chapter of the Association for Talent Development


P.O. Box 33351 Tulsa, OK 74153-3351

Tulsa Chapter ChIP Code 7015

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