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ATD Tulsa May Chapter Meeting: The Transformational Power of Purpose: Finding & Fulfilling Your Purpose in Life

  • May 17, 2019
  • 11:30 AM - 1:15 PM
  • OSU-Tulsa, 700 N Greenwood Ave., Tulsa, OK, B.S. Roberts Room


  • This is for ATD Tulsa Member registrations received BEFORE the pre-determined headcount meal guarantee is to be submitted. Payment accepted online in advance; or by cash, check or credit card at the door. Reservations cannot be cancelled after headcount is provided to the facility. No refunds for “no-shows.” Unpaid “no-shows” will be invoiced and are required to remit payment.
  • This is for ATD Tulsa Member registrations received AFTER the pre-determined headcount meal guarantee is to be submitted. Please pay online in advance, or bring cash, check or credit card to pay at the door. No refunds for “no-shows.” Unpaid “no-shows” will be invoiced and are required to remit payment.
  • This is for ATD Tulsa Members who want to attend the program, and DO NOT get lunch. Please pay online in advance, or bring cash, check or to pay at the door on the day of the event. No refunds for “no-shows.” Unpaid “no-shows” will be invoiced and are required to remit payment.
  • This is for non-member registrations received BEFORE the pre-determined headcount meal guarantee is to be submitted. Payment accepted online in advance; or by cash, check or credit card at the door. Reservations cannot be cancelled after headcount is provided to the facility. No refunds for “no-shows.” Unpaid “no-shows” will be invoiced and are required to remit payment.
  • This is for non-member registrations received AFTER the pre-determined headcount meal guarantee is to be submitted. Please pay online in advance, or bring cash, check or credit card to pay at the door. No refunds for “no-shows.” Unpaid “no-shows” will be invoiced and are required to remit payment.
  • This is for non-members who want to attend the program, and DO NOT get lunch. Please pay online in advance, or bring cash, check or to pay at the door on the day of the event. No refunds for “no-shows.” Unpaid “no-shows” will be invoiced and are required to remit payment.

Registration is closed

The Transformational Power of Purpose: Finding & Fulfilling Your Purpose in Life


  Jim Whitt 

Any animal can be trained using reward (the carrot) and punishment (the stick). Purpose is the only motive that engages the human spirit and empowers us to rise above our animal natures to become intrinsically motivated. Learn how the power of purpose transforms lives, leaders and organizations.

After participating in this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Understand that what we have been taught about motivation is really manipulation. We have been trained like animals to respond to the extrinsic stimuli of reward and punishment which holds us captive to our needs and fears.
  • Understand that we are the only animals that seek meaning for our existence and that meaning is found in the fulfillment of each individual’s singularly unique purpose. We have unique talents and abilities that enable us to fulfill our purpose in all aspects of our lives.
  • Understand that actively engaging in the fulfillment of an individual’s purpose liberates the human spirit and results in intrinsic motivation. This transformational process empowers us to fulfill our own unique potential. 

It was the discovery of his purpose on March 21, 1988 – to help people reach their full potential – that transformed Jim Whitt’s life. The discovery of his purpose was the catalyst that launched his career as a writer, speaker, business consultant and film producer. Having personally experienced the transformational power of purpose, he developed a process to help others do the same. That process is the topic of a book, The Transformational Power of Purpose: Finding and Fulfilling Your Purpose in Life, and is available in an online course.    

 As a business consultant Jim developed a purpose-based approach to leadership and organizational development. That approach is the topic of another of his books, Riding for the Brand: The Power of Purposeful Leadership.

Jim’s background and education have provided him with a unique perspective in the field of personal and organizational development. He grew up working on farms, ranches and feedlots, earned a degree in animal science at Oklahoma State University and spent a dozen years in sales and marketing with two Fortune 500 companies.

He views motivation and leadership from three perspectives – scientific, psychological and spiritual – which are summarized in his fundamental principle of human behavior – without a purpose our only motivation is reward and punishment.

Jim has taken his message of purpose in life and business to audiences around the world as a keynote speaker. His presentations are highly interactive and highly entertaining.


 May 17, 2019

11:30 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.


OSU Tulsa Campus700 N Greenwood Ave, Tulsa, OK 74106 

B.S. Roberts Room


The discounted, pre-registrations for the program with the meal must be made by Tuesday, May 14th.



Please be sure to thank The Persimmon Group, our sponsor for this month's meeting:



The Tulsa Chapter of the Association for Talent Development


P.O. Box 33351 Tulsa, OK 74153-3351

Tulsa Chapter ChIP Code 7015

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