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November Chapter Meeting: Strategic Thinking

  • November 09, 2018
  • 11:30 AM - 1:15 PM
  • OSU Tulsa Campus 700 N Greenwood Ave, Tulsa, OK 74106 - Conference Center Room 140


Registration is closed

presented by
Kris Reynolds

Innovation: Everybody says you must have it to succeed, but where do you find the time? Unfortunately, with most people following the mantra of “doing more with less”, they become so bogged down in day-to-day tactics, that they over focus on implementing conventional solutions to conventional problems. Innovative problem solving takes a backseat to daily firefighting. 

In this presentation, Kris Reynolds will help you step back from the trees to see the forest. He’ll help you understand your ruts or “Circle of Habit” and discuss how to break free and unleash the strategic thinker within. Audience members will leave the presentation understanding a new approach to strategic thinking in both their personal and professional lives. 

This session is designed to help participants change their focus from day-to-day issue management to a long-term, strategic perspective. The session involves the use of a case study from a well-known organization as well as real-world examples, videos and exercises that encourage non-linear thinking and help participants “look around the corner.” Furthermore, participants will not only have a chance to implement the strategic thinking tactics, but also develop a collective sense of ownership of the company’s strategic direction. 

Friday, November 9, 2018

11:30 a.m.-1:15 p.m.

OSU Tulsa Campus700 N Greenwood Ave, Tulsa, OK 74106 

Conference Center Room 140

The discounted, pre-registrations for the program with the meal must be 
made by Tuesday, November 6th.

The Tulsa Chapter of the Association for Talent Development


P.O. Box 33351 Tulsa, OK 74153-3351

Tulsa Chapter ChIP Code 7015

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