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Communicating What Matters

  • March 11, 2011
  • 11:30 AM - 1:15 PM (CST)
  • Philbrook Museum


  • Please bring cash or check to pay at the door on the day of the event.

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A Case for Including Values Training in Every Aspect of Employee Development

"We are struck by the explicit attention [excellent companies] pay to values.”

--Tom Peters and Bob Waterman: In Search of Excellence

Research reveals that organizations that take values seriously can more effectively attract and keep talent in the emerging business paradigm of the 21st century.
What can the employee development process or training programs do to make sure everyone understands the values of the organization and applies them every day in every job?
Training offers an opportunity to establish clearer foundations and expectations for ethics, integrity, and corporate social responsibility but, often this opportunity is overlooked. 

In the future training must be managed so that it is planned and deliberately and clearly linked to workplace values and philosophy.

At this meeting, you'll learn the importance of:

  • Identifying opportunities to incorporate values training into employee development initiatives
  • Establishing clear expectations for ethics, integrity and corporate responsibility
  • Communicating and leveraging workplace values to attract and keep new talent

More about the presenter:

Willis Allen is an experienced and dynamic speaker, trainer, facilitator, and a recognized expert in the fields of leadership, problem solving, process improvement, customer service, and team building. His proven and practical techniques for improving the organizational effectiveness of his clients have been used by over 250 organizations. He works with large and small organizations in manufacturing, service, and the public sector. Willis is a graduate of The University of Tulsa. He also attended training on leadership, performance improvement, team building, strategic planning, and customer service presented by George Washington University, Oklahoma State University, The Disney Institute, The American Society for Quality, The Juran Institute, and Crosby's Quality College. He received much of his training personally from such leading experts as W. Edwards Deming, Joseph M. Juran, Philip Crosby, Lou Holtz, and Stephen Covey. He has completed all of the educational requirements of a Malcolm Baldrige Award Examiner and an ISO 9000 Lead Auditor.



The Tulsa Chapter of the Association for Talent Development


P.O. Box 33351 Tulsa, OK 74153-3351

Tulsa Chapter ChIP Code 7015

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