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ATD Tulsa Networking Event

  • June 28, 2017
  • 4:00 PM
  • ConsumerAffairs, Petroleum Club Bldg, 601 S Boulder


  • We must have a headcount of participants, so this FREE registration is required. Thank you for registering!

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ATD Tulsa Networking Event


Hosted by:

Scott Cooksey
Sr. Manager
of Sales Enablement

ConsumerAffairs is a trusted destination which helps 8 - 9 million unique visitors make educated purchase decisions. Brands work with ConsumerAffaris to safeguard their online image, leverage our organic domain authority, and generate revenue via our lead gen capabilities.  Truth be told, when making large purchases, today's buyers increasingly seek unbiased, third-party proof about brands during their buying journey.

As a discipline, Sales Enablement is enjoying a growing amount of attention of late. This role exists somewhere between Sales Management, Marketing/Demand Generation, and Account Management/Client Success responsibilities in a very dynamic function.

Make plans to join us on Wednesday, June 28th.  

  • 4:00pm - Meet in Lobby of Petroleum Club Building, 601 S Boulder Ave
  • 4:15pm - Tour of ConsumerAffairs Offices
  • 4:30pm - Assemble in the 14th Floor Training Center for networking and a presentation showcasing an overview of ConsumerAffairs’ sales onboarding and development program; and how we incorporate a culture of “Work hard. Play hard” into a successful sales team - unlike anything else in Tulsa.

ConsumerAffairs, Petroleum Club Building 

601 S Boulder

The Tulsa Chapter of the Association for Talent Development


P.O. Box 33351 Tulsa, OK 74153-3351

Tulsa Chapter ChIP Code 7015

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