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Show Me the Value!

  • January 14, 2011
  • 11:30 AM - 1:15 PM
  • Philbrook Museum


Learn to answer the tough questions by drilling down to the bottom line of employee engagement and analytics.


A tough economy brings up tough questions.  Do you know how to answer them?  Can you prove there's value in employee engagement? This year you might be asked to do just that...


In this exciting presentation you'll be equiped with the 'how to's' of showing the value in employee engagement programs--even in a down economy.  You'll learn what to measure and how to measure it, so you'll be armed and ready the next time someone says "show me the value!"


Todd Hoffman of PricewaterhouseCoopers joins Catherine Sleezer and Dale Kunneman of Baker Hughes to deliver this timely, and critical bottom-line information.


Employee engagement has become the hot topic in the business world as organizational leaders, who responded to economic challenges, now refocus their efforts to motivate and retain key talent.  Leaders are leveraging employee engagement and analytics to:

  • Understand their employees motivators,
  • Secure numerical data and understand how their investments in people are really paying off,
  • Identify where and how to invest in people to produce the largest operational and financial benefits for the organization.

Topics for this presentation include:

  • What employee engagement truly measures (How is this different from employee satisfaction surveys?)
  • A defined process for the collection and using employee engagement and analytic data, communicating results with employees, and tracking progress.
  • Practical application (How can you leverage the data for real business impact?)

The Tulsa Chapter of the Association for Talent Development


P.O. Box 33351 Tulsa, OK 74153-3351

Tulsa Chapter ChIP Code 7015

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