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ATD Tulsa June Meeting: Using Human-Centered Design for L&D

  • June 09, 2017
  • 11:30 AM - 1:15 PM
  • OSU Tulsa Campus, 140 N Conference Center


  • This is for ATD Tulsa Member registrations received BEFORE the pre-determined headcount meal guarantee is to be submitted. Payment accepted online in advance; or by cash, check or credit card at the door. Reservations cannot be cancelled after headcount is provided to the facility. No refunds for “no-shows.” Unpaid “no-shows” will be invoiced and are required to remit payment.
  • This is for ATD Tulsa Member registrations received AFTER the pre-determined headcount meal guarantee is to be submitted. Please pay online in advance, or bring cash, check or credit card to pay at the door. No refunds for “no-shows.” Unpaid “no-shows” will be invoiced and are required to remit payment.
  • This is for ATD Tulsa Members who want to attend the program, and DO NOT get lunch. Please pay online in advance, or bring cash, check or to pay at the door on the day of the event. No refunds for “no-shows.” Unpaid “no-shows” will be invoiced and are required to remit payment.
  • This is for non-member registrations received BEFORE the pre-determined headcount meal guarantee is to be submitted. Payment accepted online in advance; or by cash, check or credit card at the door. Reservations cannot be cancelled after headcount is provided to the facility. No refunds for “no-shows.” Unpaid “no-shows” will be invoiced and are required to remit payment.
  • This is for non-member registrations received AFTER the pre-determined headcount meal guarantee is to be submitted. Please pay online in advance, or bring cash, check or credit card to pay at the door. No refunds for “no-shows.” Unpaid “no-shows” will be invoiced and are required to remit payment.
  • This is for non-members who want to attend the program, and DO NOT get lunch. Please pay online in advance, or bring cash, check or to pay at the door on the day of the event. No refunds for “no-shows.” Unpaid “no-shows” will be invoiced and are required to remit payment.
  • This is a special complimentary registration for the speaker/presenter/facilitator for an event. An admin must provide the speaker with the specific event registration code shown to admins on the event page.

Registration is closed

Using Human-Centered Design for Learning and Development:
Crafting the Employee Experience

presented by Ashley Philippsen,
Founding Director of LEAD North

Talent strategies are  high priorities for CEO's as areas requiring focus and change.  By understanding the experiences  employees have with the organization, people, processes, and technology, we can better understand their behaviors and anticipate business outcomes.  If outcomes fall below expectations, we can work to change the employee experience to drive toward outcomes we desire.

You will be introduced to Stanford D. School's design thinking and will learn to look at talent development from the perspective of the employee.  Join us to experience Journey Mapping and identifying talent development opportunities that are worth pursuing in your organization.

Participants will learn:

  • a hands-on experience of mapping employee journeys,
  • how to use maps to diagnose employee experience issues and identify opportunities, and
  • design experiences that meet your customer expectations and deliver business value.
Friday, June 9, 2017
11:30a.m. - 1:15p.m.

Lunch available from Red Thistle Catering
Hot Roast Beef Sandwich Bar with caramelized onions, horseradish mustard, blue cheese
Cold Cut Club Sandwich - ham & roasted chicken, bacon, house boursin cheddar
Local Mixed green salad, chips, tea, water

OSU Tulsa Campus,
700 N Greenwood Ave, Tulsa, OK
140 N Conference Center

The discounted, pre-registrations for the program with the meal must be made by Tuesday, June 6th.

The Tulsa Chapter of the Association for Talent Development


P.O. Box 33351 Tulsa, OK 74153-3351

Tulsa Chapter ChIP Code 7015

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