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ATD Tulsa September 2015 Program - “After the Leadership Class: The Challenge of Transforming Learning into Performance”

  • September 11, 2015
  • 11:30 AM - 1:15 PM
  • OSU Tulsa


  • Please pay online in advance, or bring cash or check to pay at the door on the day of the event. We cannot accept credit cards at the door. Reservations cannot be cancelled after headcount is provided to the facility. Payment is due even for "no-shows."
  • Reservations cannot be cancelled after headcount is provided to the facility. Payment is due even for "no-shows."
  • Please pay online in advance, or bring cash or check to pay at the door on the day of the event. We cannot accept credit cards at the door. Reservations cannot be cancelled after headcount is provided to the facility. Payment is due even for "no-shows."
  • Regular Meal Option. Reservations cannot be cancelled after headcount is provided to the facility. Payment is due even for "no-shows."

Registration is closed

After the Leadership Class: The Challenge of Transforming Learning into Performance

September 11, 2015 -- 11:30 a.m. -1:15 p.m.

OSU Tulsa, North Hall Conference Center: Room 140

700 N Greenwood Ave, Tulsa, OK  74106

The discounted, pre-registrations for the program with the meal must be made by Tuesday, September 5th.

Register Now

As trainers and facilitators of leadership courses, we’re often told by supervisors and clients (and we often tell ourselves), “If the participants can each walk out of this course with ONE THING, then it was a success.” And some of those participants may actually go back and start implementing that ONE THING, but a majority won’t on their own - which means the needle isn’t really moving. One of the biggest obstacles to participants applying what they learn is lack of an on-going support system. In this presentation, members will discuss strategies for integration and support, be provided a tool to evaluate their support processes, and  leave being able to identify steps for improving their own programs.

Andrew Engelbrecht serves as Senior Consultant for Learning Unlimited Corporation (LUC) in Tulsa, OK. He was first certified as a ropes course facilitator in 1991 and contracted with Learning Unlimited while in college, so returning to LUC in early 2014 was a homecoming of sorts. Over those intervening 20+ years he lived and worked in a wide variety of environments - including 8 years in higher education and 3+ years with the YMCA of Greater Tulsa - and with an even more diverse group of people, and brings that healthy world-view into all of his interactions and consulting. He is an Accredited Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ Facilitator; delivers multiple other programs for LUC, including Everything DiSC™ workshops and Core Leadership Skills; and is leading LUC’s L.E.A.D.-ON project, designing & implementing cloud-based, post-course support for learners.

Andrew grew up in Sapulpa, OK, and holds a B.A. in Organizational Communication from the University of Oklahoma (BOOMER!). A huge live music enthusiast, he also enjoys singing karaoke and DJ’ing, and stays active playing indoor and outdoor soccer, golf, softball, volleyball, and bowling.

    Participants will have the opportunity to win a FREE registration to the 2015 ATD Oklahoma Statewide Conference to be held on October 29! 

    Learn how to qualify at the September meeting.

    The Tulsa Chapter of the Association for Talent Development

    © ATD Tulsa Chapter MCMXLIX - MMXXIII

    P.O. Box 33351 Tulsa, OK 74153-3351

    Tulsa Chapter ChIP Code 7015

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